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Food Policy: the European call for proposals of the Municipality of Milan and Cariplo Factory kicks off

From 2 November to 16 February 2023, the call of the European Horizon 2020 Food Trails project opens, which aims to develop ideas and projects to improve the sustainability of food systems in Europe

02, Nov 2022

The Municipality of Milan, lead partner of the European project Food Trails, and the Italian innovation hub Cariplo Factory, are launching a call for start-ups and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with the aim of identifying innovative solutions to improve the sustainability of the food systems of 11 European cities. The companies that win the call will have the opportunity to develop pilot projects within the 11 'Living Labs' (living laboratories of innovation) of Food Trails by establishing strategic alliances with one or more cities, collaborating with important stakeholders of the European food system and innovation landscape, and meeting potential investors.


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