«It is with great satisfaction that we welcome the news that the Japanese authorities have authorised two Italian plants to resume exporting cooked pork products to Japan» said ASS.I.CA. President Francesco Pizzagalli
«It is with great satisfaction that we welcome the news that the Japanese authorities have authorised two Italian plants to resume exporting cooked pork products to Japan» said ASS.I.CA. President Francesco Pizzagalli. It will therefore be possible to return to exporting cooked hams, mortadellas and sausages after a two-year stop due to African Swine Fever in Italy (ASF). «I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Italian Ministry of Health and our Embassy in Tokyo, which for two years have worked with extraordinary dedication and commitment, negotiating with the Japanese authorities new conditions for the export of pork products from Italy, banned following the outbreak of African Swine Fever on our territory from January 2022. The climate of trust and esteem that has always characterised relations between the Italian and Japanese Authorities has been consolidated and even strengthened in recent years, so much so that Italy is the first country not free from African Swine Fever to obtain from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) the possibility to export pork products».
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